Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas Day (lots of pictures)

Santa was VERY generous with the size of the stockings this year...note to self, buy smaller stockings for next year. Tucker gave Addie her first doll for Christmas. Addie tasted her presents. We won't be returning these gifts.This is also an effective way to unwrap presents.Tucker was very excited about getting some new pants. I thought it was so cute that he put the pants over his shoulders like this. Santa hit the jackpot with this present. Tucker got a train table and we can barely pull him away from the thing to do anything else...including eating!Then we made our way to my Mom's house in Washougal...snow, snow, snow. There were points of the drive that looked like we were driving on Mt. Hood! Huge snow drifts, snowflakes flying and a little slip-sliding on the road!After a short explanation by Uncle Dan-Dan of what the hell an aluminum tree and color wheel is, Tucker was ready to open the presents under the tree.Is it just me that thinks Addie looks too much like this Cabbage Patch doll?

We had a wonderful Christmas and we are looking forward to a prosperous, adventurous, and exciting New Year.

1 comment:

Rachel May said...

Great pictures, Tami! Merry Christmas!