Thursday, January 29, 2009

Uncle Dan-Dan's Birthday

My youngest brother, Dan, had a birthday at the beginning of January. It's weird to see your younger siblings get older, mostly because it makes me feel old!! And then I look around and realize that I'm the one that's married, with 2 kids, a dog and an SUV....guess I'm the one that's old! ha ha ha! I guess it's just hard to see that about yourself. Anyway, Tucker was helping my Mom put the birthday candles on the cake. Everyone thought that Tucker was licking the candles and then putting them back on the cake. What they couldn't see was that he would put a few candles on and then pull off a piece of cake and eat it, then put a few more candles on.... Happy Birthday Uncle Dan-Dan! We love you!

Rub-A-Dub-Dub...My Kids In A Tub!

The last few nights I have been in charge of bath for both Tucker and Addie. I decided to consolidate bath time, but I'm still concerned that Addie isn't stable enough to sit in a tub unassisted. I would hate for her to lose her balance while I'm washing Tucker and have her hurt herself so I came up with a plan. I put her baby tub in the big bathtub and filled both tubs with water. Waalllahh! Tucker and Addie safely bathing in the same tub. Tucker has been asking for a few months when Sister would be able to take a bath with him, so he was ecstatic about this idea. This is a video I took of them splashing together in the tub.

My Nomination

By reading this, you are a witness to the official document that will nominate me for Mother Of The Year. Prepare yourself and shield your eyes from all the shining glory that will be me, and all my greatness, in the coming paragraphs. And don't worry, as Kung Fu Panda would say, "There is no charge for awesomeness".

Last night I was home alone with Tucker and Addie (no associates in this story). I had given them a bath together (that's my next blog with a super cute video), both kids smelled yummy of lavender bath soap and were both cuddled up in their jammies.

Tucker and Addie are now sharing a room, Addie got kicked out of our bedroom last week. This situation is still working itself out. Tucker often falls asleep to Addie crying and sometimes he even asks us to "take her to the yiving room (not a typo, spelling as he sounds), so Addie doesn't scream at me". We have been just putting them in there together and letting them work it out between the two of them but tonight I had a different plan.

Tucker had slept a little long during his afternoon nap so I didn't think he would go to bed early like Addie. I got him snuggled into our bed with Cars movie and told him that I needed to put Addie to bed, but that I would come watch the movie with him when Sister was asleep. He agreed and told me that he was hungry. I asked him what he wanted and he asked for apples. I said, "OK, I'm going to put Sister to sleep, then cut some apples, then watch Cars movie with you. So, Addie, apples, movie." He laid down, pulled the covers up and patiently waited for me and the apples.

Phase 2: Get Addie to bed.
So I take Addie to her/their room, turn on the nightlight, turn on the night-night music, and turn off the lights. I settle into my glider with yummy lavender smelling baby Sister. I nurse her and watch her eyes slowly droop to a soft close, rocking her to sleep. Everything is under control. Tucker, although slightly hungry, has love, shelter, clothing and warmth, I'm feeling pretty good about my "home alone with children" performance. (With Matt being unemployed and living with my Mother-in-law, there are very few times where I actually have the kids all by myself. I usually have at least a little bit of help.)

**Now so far, this nomination seems like the real's where it all falls apart for me**

The room is filled with calming scent of lavender, my sweet and warm baby girl is settling into a deep sleep, I'm rocking away to some Baby Einstein Lullaby music........

I am suddenly jolted AWAKE by Tucker running up and down the hallway yelling "Mommy! Mommy!! Where are you??!!?? I'm SO hungry! Do you have my apples? MOMMY!! MOMMY?!? I'M HUNGRY! MOMMY??? Where are you?!?"

I had NO idea that I had actually fallen asleep with Addie in the glider. I have NO idea how long I was asleep. I have NO idea how long Tucker was looking for me before he started running up and down the hallway. I have NO idea how I got Addie into bed without waking her up after waking up so suddenly and then rushing her to bed to try to keep Tucker from running into the room yelling for me and sending the whole thing into a complete disaster!

So, if you like the way I starve my children, let them roam the house unattended, and make them feel abandoned because I'm hiding out sleeping in a chair...then VOTE FOR ME! Mother Of The Year, Tami! By the way, I would just like to add that because we aren't even finished with the month of January, that there may be many more nominations this year. Just a fair warning! Anyone else have a self-nomination? It won't make me feel better if you do, but maybe I could laugh at you like you are laughing at me right now. :) Thanks for your vote.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Over Due...

I haven't been posting very many pictures lately, if any, because I haven't had a photo editor to help me make my pictures look decent. I'm super picky, some might add anal retentive, about pictures. For anyone out there who has ever watched me frame pictures, even if the frame is Walmart cheap, it will take me a LONG time to make sure the glass is clean, there are no specks of dust or anything else that will be on the picture in the frame. For my Mother-in-law, watching me frame pictures is a bad combination of comedy routine and "get-it-over-with-already". So for me, posting a picture with obvious and terrible red eye, just isn't an option. However, we can all send a big THANK YOU to my friend Angela who sent me a link to a great photo editing download and I am back in business. So this post is going to sport some pictures from a little bit of every where!

Addie playing her piano. She is sitting up by herself now and rolling both ways. If you lay her on a blanket she will no longer be in the same place when you return. I have seen her get up on her hands and knees for a brief moment, and only when she thinks no one is looking. This leads me to believe that one day she will start crawling without warning because she has perfected the art of crawling in her own personal time (aka nap time). Her head looks really big here...sorry Addie!
Tucker and Addie! I love pictures of them together. So sweet!

My Adeline at 6 months old. She is SEVEN months old now! I can hardly believe it.

Tucker and his friend Oscar who was visiting from New Hampshire. We all went to OMSI together and the boys were hammering and "screwing" plastic golf tees into foam blocks. Nothing like 3 year old boys working on a construction site! Oscar and Tucker don't remember the one other time they met, but they instantly took to each other and had so much fun. They are only a few weeks apart so it was fun to see how they are similar and different. Thanks for the fun visit Oscar! We hope to have many more play dates when you move out west this summer!

Addie and I at her first New Year's Eve party! She was feeling very festive all night...she didn't sleep until we put her in the car....WELL after midnight.

So HURRAY for pictures! Thanks Angela, I really appreciate you sharing your photo secrets with me. I love posting with pictures so maybe this will inspire me to take more pictures and post more blogs! After all, you are the one who inspired me to start this whole addictive mess anyway!!!

Minor Set-Back

Yesterday Matt was doing sprints to train for the 300 meter sprint portion of the physical fitness test that is required for his could-be-new-job and he pulled his hamstring!!! (are you kidding me?) When he got home he was icing his leg and he got a phone call telling him that the PT test is going to be on Friday morning of this week. He is feeling pretty concerned about whether he will be able to perform the 2 running portions of the test. There are sit-ups, push-ups, 300 meter sprint and 1.5 mile run. So once again, we are asking for lots of prayers. He either needs to bust this thing out on Friday, or something miraculous needs to happen that would push back the testing day without penalizing Matt. I really wish this was all over and he had the job. That would make life so much less stressful!!! Wish us luck!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Matt Update: 2 it goes....
YYIIPPPEEE~!!!!!!! HUURRAAAYYY!!!!!! (This is all the excitement and exclamation marks I wanted to use when we got the GOOD news!!!!)
Matt got a call about an hour ago telling him that he passed his interview. We are so excited and ready for what is coming next. There are still several tests to pass before he is officially offered a job, but his interview in Los Angeles was by far the biggest hurdle.
I am so proud of him and I know how hard he has worked to get this far. Passing this interview is a very difficult thing to accomplish and not many people get the opportunity to even interview. Only 3 people from Portland got the opportunity to interview and we are not sure if the other 2 guys passed. I am so proud and very excited. Thanks for all your prayers and good wishes...keep 'em coming, we aren't employed yet!!!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Addie's 1st Purse...

Addie's first purse is Tucker's new favorite toy! He has picked up on most of the words that the little purse sings and he sings the song over and over! He is so funny!

One other funny thing that happened tonight was another Tucker going to bed story. I went in to say goodnight and he asked me if I could give Daddy a message. I told him, "Sure. What's the message you want me to give Daddy?" "Tell Daddy happy birthday and give him a balloon. No, Mommy, five balloons (holding five fingers in the air) and a party hat. A birthday party hat. And Mommy, cake. Daddy needs a birthday cake. And candles. Do we have candles?" "Yes, we have candles Tucker." "Ok, well Target has candles and I think Nana has candles too." "Ok, Tucker. I will give Daddy the message and all the party goods" "Thanks Mommy. Goodnight" Matt's birthday is in March.

So just a few minutes later he is crying I go to him...AGAIN. I get to his room and he is standing at the door crying, "Mommy!! Mommy! I want a party! I want to blow out the candles! Can you get me some candles to blow out?" "huh?" "Mommy, I want to blow out candles at my party!" "Ok, I will get you candles Tucker. Now, get in bed and go to sleep so you can wake up to your candles." "Alright, goodnight" I never heard another peep out of him. I guess I have to come up with some candles tomorrow?!? I hope this doesn't turn into a regular thing. more quick story. Tucker was in timeout for not listening when Matt asked him to clean up his toys this evening. So he was sitting in timeout crying and Matt told him to stop crying and Tucker replied, "NO, Daddy!" Matt turned around and said, "What did you say to me?" "I said, I love you Daddy." We are in so far over our heads it's not even funny. We are screwed. He is only 3.

Interview With Tucker: Age 3

1. What's your name? Tucker B. aaahhh, (running away) I don't understand you!!!
2. How old are you? What's your name?
3. What's your favorite color? green
4. What's your favorite book? My favorite book is NO David, its called NO David. That's my favorite book.
5. What's your favorite song? My favorite song is, this one...."Let's make it last forever, screamin' Hallelujah!" (that is the ring tone from Matt's phone a Paramore song)
6. What's your favorite movie? Um, Ratatouille
7. What's your favorite TV show? Diego
8. Who's your best friend? Daddy
9. Favorite smell? Candles
10. Favorite candy? um, um, candy, candies. A snake.
11. Favorite sound? baaaack (think chicken sound)
12. Favorite instrument? i show you Mommy. it's rock star!!! (think noises you would make while strumming air guitar) dduuhh, duuhhh, nnaaahh, dunnaaahhh. My favorite song is Rock star. Watch this, I'm a strum this. (He is playing a Rock Band Guitar)
13. Favorite thing to do at home? um, play with my toys
14. Favorite game? um, Rock star (Rock Band)
15. Favorite food? um, chicken
16. Favorite drink? um, milk
17. Favorite animal? um, um monkey. My favorite animal is monkey.
18. Favorite things to do? running around
19. Favorite place to go? no, um, OMSI.
20. Favorite toy? my choo-choo train
21. What do you like about Daddy? typing with Daddy and neck drags (a wrestling move that Matt does with him)
22. How old is Dad? um, 3
23. How old is Mom? um, 8
24. What makes you happy? my toys
25. What do you want to be when you grow up? I'm going to be a space rocket, when I grow up. When I grow up I'm going to be an astronaut. Hey Daddy, come to my room.

A special post interview note from Tucker: (He wouldn't let me ask him questions unless I let him type a little in between each question. This interview was completed after three separate attempts.)
kkkkkkkkjjjjjjjjjjjjjj666666666rrrrrreeeeee (after typing this, he declared "That's 'E' ") hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhrrrrrRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

Friday, January 16, 2009

Matt Update

Matt returned home last night from his trip to California for the big interview and test. He thinks he did well. He used his entire allotted time (ONE HOUR!!) for the interview and completed the testing portion within the time limit. He said on a scale of 1-10, 10 being flawless, he said he feels like he was probably between a 7 or 8. Which, knowing Matt, means he probably interviewed really well because he his pretty hard on himself. He was probably more of a 9 (don't mind my biased opinions!). So now we wait. This will, undoubtedly, be the longest week or two that we have endured in a long time. We are waiting to hear if he passes his interview and test and if he will move on in the application process. For now, he has done all he can do, and he did the best he could do. Now the ball is in their court.

I am super proud of Matt. There are only a few people from Portland that got selected to interview for this position. He worked tirelessly for 3 days straight preparing for the interview. He had to endure many new and stressful situations, like traveling, being in the unfamiliar territory of Southern California, and having one of his interviewers be an attractive woman (nothing like a good distraction while you are trying to concentrate!). He was focused, driven, and prepared and I couldn't be more proud. Without doubt, there will be another update on this situation and hopefully it contains much excitement and exclamation marks!!!!!!!! Thanks for your prayers and good thoughts. He felt the calm and confidence that he needed as the interview came and went, thanks to all of you.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Valentine's Day...Already?

Ok, I'm not trying to be crazy about all my holiday stuff coming out months before the actual holiday, but I realized today we are only one month away from Valentine's Day. If I don't post this new, pink background soon the day will come and go and I will still have some Happy New Year thing up!
ALSO...for all of my praying, crossing fingers, good thoughts (whatever you do) if you could do those things for Matt tomorrow I would really appreciate it. This afternoon he flew to California for an interview that means A LOT to us. The job is not in CA but the regional interview is happening there. He will be interviewing at 7:45am. His needs are confidence, ability to clearly tell his story and a sense of peace and calm nerves to get him through the lengthy interview and testing. He has worked VERY hard to prepare for this interview and has passed several levels of screening to even get to this interview. We hope to be able to report back good news in about a weeks time. Until then, pray for Matt and pray that the "dudes" like him and they think his abilities fit the position.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Where Is Your MOTHER?!?

This is one thing I'll never understand, how parents let their kids run wild without consequence.  On Friday night we went as a family to Pump It Up Jr to see Elmo.  Tucker had a wonderful time running, jumping and playing with me.  (I also managed to get another rug-burn like mark on my elbow from running and diving into the inflatable like a wild 3 year old, but maybe I should have saved that comment for a "Not Me Monday" like Angela.)  So back to my beef...  Children, unsupervised, out-of-control, no discipline, spoiled, WHERE IS YOUR MOTHER??  Let me explain.  I often use this phrase, "Where is your MOTHER?" whenever I see a child doing something that I'm SURE a mother who cared would NOT want their child doing.  At PIUJ there was a young child, maybe 2, who was going to the drinking fountain, getting a mouthful of water and then running around the premises until he found the perfect place (or person) to unload the cocktail of water and unknown amounts of germy kid saliva.  I witnessed him do this one time and thought, "Ok, there are lots of things that Tucker gets to do once.  He kicked me, ONCE.  But I'm telling you, there was a correction and if it happens again it won't be pretty.  So, OK, this kid just spit some water.  His mother will surly be running up to him any second now to correct the behavior and make sure there aren't any more kid-spit-fountains anytime soon."  Just as I finish my thought, Spitty goes back to the water fountain, runs over to me and Matt and unloads his second helping very near Matt's foot (probably just the bad aim of a 2 year old...I'm sure his preference would have been to soak him).  At this point, the Mommy/Teacher in me is ready to discipline this kid myself.  SIDE NOTE: For those of you who don't know me as well, I'll give you a little personal information.  I HAVE NO PROBLEM DISCIPLINING YOUR CHILDREN.  As I'm wildly searching the place for Spitty's absent mommy, he has reloaded and is headed for Elmo!  I can't help myself any longer.  I'm starting to shake and sweat with anger...WHERE IS YOUR MOTHER?!?  I still can't find his egg donor, so I pull the ultimate 2nd grade move... I tell the PIUJ supervisor.  Yes, call me a tattle-tell, that's me.  Not only do I despise unruly children, I also can't stand wet socks.  Spitty violated both of those things.  I don't think I like him.  The End.  

Thursday, January 8, 2009

My Current Employers

So I changed the title of my blog after loading a photo editor (that ended up not working because it's ancient) and the program asked me for my name and employer. Well, um, eerrr...ok...employer, like a job? Well my full time, under paid (understatement), no medical benefits, all holidays and weekends, no paid vacations "job" doesn't really have a name. And yet, I named them. Isn't that funny? So as I entered my name into the photo program, I thought "employer? Hell yeah I have employers, they just suck at sending me any monetary compensation! Their names are Tucker and Addie, and well let's be honest...Matt too". So there you have it, Tucker, Addie & Associates. Plus, I thought it sounded like some high powered attorneys office and they are always trying to con you out of money too, so PERFECT!

Addie's 6 month appointment

Today Addie went to her 6 month appointment with our wonderful Doctor.  We go to a family doctor in Camas, the same great guy that delivered her at Southwest Washington Medical Center. She checked in today at 15 pounds 7 ounces and 26 inches tall.  She is 50th percentile for height and slightly less than 50th for weight.  She hasn't gained much weight since her last appointment, only about a pound.  He said she is doing great and has no concerns about her growth.  He doesn't need to see her again until 9 months, which will be the end of March.  
She is teething like crazy, but no teeth yet!  She can roll from her back to stomach very easily and does that all the time!  She can roll from her stomach to her back, but she doesn't do that as frequently and that's a new skill.  She can also sit up by herself, but only for a few minutes.  She gets excited and flaps her arms like a bird, we think she may fly away one of these times.  Addie is eating baby food now.  She eats dinner every night and either a breakfast or lunch depending on how hungry she seems.  She loves everything we have given her!  She is not picky...imagine that!  We are so blessed that she is a healthy and happy baby.  Sometimes I still look at her with such amazement that she really is a SHE!  

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

My Pseudo New Year Resolution

So the only way I could be anymore behind on the blog is if I just gave the whole thing up and QUIT! Some of you probably thought I did with the lack of blogging in my life. I guess sometimes my real life takes over my happier and less chaotic "blog/virtual life". I am so far behind on reading every one's blogs and writing in my own that I don't even know where to start.
Maybe I will just say this, I don't really get into New Year Resolutions but I think what 2009 has brought to my life so far is a renewed desire to become a nurse. I should have just done it a long time ago when I was at WSU, but many things prevented me from doing that. First of all, my first bio sci class was one of those typical HUGE classes and I was taking notes for myself as well as my high school friend that was sleeping in the chair next to me. I was still adjusting to college life, mostly trying to balance fun and school, and therefore I earned a C in the class and decided that if I can't do better than a C in a basic science class then I should just come to the realization early that I'm not a science girl and do something else. I had always wanted to be a teacher too, so I pursued that with great passion. Another ridiculous, but true, reason I didn't do nursing at WSU was because the last 2 years of the program were in Spokane and I didn't want to leave Pullman. Stupid? Maybe. But, nevertheless, the truth. I was having too much fun. I lived in G215 for goodness sake, could life be any better? We had paper parties (stapling shredded paper to the ceiling), we watched "wheel" (our roommate who owned the TV got mad at us and took it into her room, so we found a 10 speed bike tire on the side of the road, brought it home, and put it where the TV used to live. We watched "wheel"), and we had THE WALL (one large, blank wall where you could post anything from a passed or failed test, a rejection letter from the vet school you were dying to get into, your bra, pictures of hot guys from magazines or anything else that seemed important at the time). I had fun roommates and unforgettable memories. I do not regret my decision. But now I think I'm over hanging out with other people's children. Maybe I'm just burned out from subbing too long. I'm not trying to mislead any of my readers by making you think I'm some veteran teacher who is burned out and ready to move on. The story is quite the opposite. With Matt being in the service, we moved around quite a bit. The longest stay we had was on the island of Oahu for 3 years. During that time, I interviewed for a few jobs and got turned down from all of them. Everywhere else I just did sub jobs because we weren't there for an entire school year. So I'm tired of subbing. As a type A, organized, schedule loving teacher, going into a new school with a different floor plan, reading lessons as the kids are walking in the door and trying to outsmart kids who are trying to pull one over on you all day just gets old...FAST. Maybe I would feel differently if I had a contracted job, but I don't. So back to the whole new year, 2009, renewal thingy....I have decided, after many moons of thinking I can't, that I am smart enough, dedicated enough, and gosh darn it, people like me. Now, do not be fooled, it will not happen this year, and possibly not even next, but believe-you-me, I will wear scrubs to work one day.