Thursday, January 29, 2009

My Nomination

By reading this, you are a witness to the official document that will nominate me for Mother Of The Year. Prepare yourself and shield your eyes from all the shining glory that will be me, and all my greatness, in the coming paragraphs. And don't worry, as Kung Fu Panda would say, "There is no charge for awesomeness".

Last night I was home alone with Tucker and Addie (no associates in this story). I had given them a bath together (that's my next blog with a super cute video), both kids smelled yummy of lavender bath soap and were both cuddled up in their jammies.

Tucker and Addie are now sharing a room, Addie got kicked out of our bedroom last week. This situation is still working itself out. Tucker often falls asleep to Addie crying and sometimes he even asks us to "take her to the yiving room (not a typo, spelling as he sounds), so Addie doesn't scream at me". We have been just putting them in there together and letting them work it out between the two of them but tonight I had a different plan.

Tucker had slept a little long during his afternoon nap so I didn't think he would go to bed early like Addie. I got him snuggled into our bed with Cars movie and told him that I needed to put Addie to bed, but that I would come watch the movie with him when Sister was asleep. He agreed and told me that he was hungry. I asked him what he wanted and he asked for apples. I said, "OK, I'm going to put Sister to sleep, then cut some apples, then watch Cars movie with you. So, Addie, apples, movie." He laid down, pulled the covers up and patiently waited for me and the apples.

Phase 2: Get Addie to bed.
So I take Addie to her/their room, turn on the nightlight, turn on the night-night music, and turn off the lights. I settle into my glider with yummy lavender smelling baby Sister. I nurse her and watch her eyes slowly droop to a soft close, rocking her to sleep. Everything is under control. Tucker, although slightly hungry, has love, shelter, clothing and warmth, I'm feeling pretty good about my "home alone with children" performance. (With Matt being unemployed and living with my Mother-in-law, there are very few times where I actually have the kids all by myself. I usually have at least a little bit of help.)

**Now so far, this nomination seems like the real's where it all falls apart for me**

The room is filled with calming scent of lavender, my sweet and warm baby girl is settling into a deep sleep, I'm rocking away to some Baby Einstein Lullaby music........

I am suddenly jolted AWAKE by Tucker running up and down the hallway yelling "Mommy! Mommy!! Where are you??!!?? I'm SO hungry! Do you have my apples? MOMMY!! MOMMY?!? I'M HUNGRY! MOMMY??? Where are you?!?"

I had NO idea that I had actually fallen asleep with Addie in the glider. I have NO idea how long I was asleep. I have NO idea how long Tucker was looking for me before he started running up and down the hallway. I have NO idea how I got Addie into bed without waking her up after waking up so suddenly and then rushing her to bed to try to keep Tucker from running into the room yelling for me and sending the whole thing into a complete disaster!

So, if you like the way I starve my children, let them roam the house unattended, and make them feel abandoned because I'm hiding out sleeping in a chair...then VOTE FOR ME! Mother Of The Year, Tami! By the way, I would just like to add that because we aren't even finished with the month of January, that there may be many more nominations this year. Just a fair warning! Anyone else have a self-nomination? It won't make me feel better if you do, but maybe I could laugh at you like you are laughing at me right now. :) Thanks for your vote.


Angela said...

that is so funny Tami- totally an honest mistake falling asleep and I can't even tell you how many times I have wanted to beat the living tar out of Brandon for screaming like that when I was putting Cam down to sleep...they know all the buttons to push huh?? Let me think of a story and I shall too, nominate myself for Mother of the Year...we can laugh with one another rather than "at" eachother :-)

christyephillips said...

LOVE IT! Was the Cars movie over? Was it 3 am and was he really starving? I think that is so funny! Mother of the year (MOY, as my twins group calls it, they have an actual award), moments are the best! I laugh at myself all the time, it's the only way we survive, right? i am very much looking forward to our beach days with many, many umbrella drinks!