Friday, January 16, 2009

Matt Update

Matt returned home last night from his trip to California for the big interview and test. He thinks he did well. He used his entire allotted time (ONE HOUR!!) for the interview and completed the testing portion within the time limit. He said on a scale of 1-10, 10 being flawless, he said he feels like he was probably between a 7 or 8. Which, knowing Matt, means he probably interviewed really well because he his pretty hard on himself. He was probably more of a 9 (don't mind my biased opinions!). So now we wait. This will, undoubtedly, be the longest week or two that we have endured in a long time. We are waiting to hear if he passes his interview and test and if he will move on in the application process. For now, he has done all he can do, and he did the best he could do. Now the ball is in their court.

I am super proud of Matt. There are only a few people from Portland that got selected to interview for this position. He worked tirelessly for 3 days straight preparing for the interview. He had to endure many new and stressful situations, like traveling, being in the unfamiliar territory of Southern California, and having one of his interviewers be an attractive woman (nothing like a good distraction while you are trying to concentrate!). He was focused, driven, and prepared and I couldn't be more proud. Without doubt, there will be another update on this situation and hopefully it contains much excitement and exclamation marks!!!!!!!! Thanks for your prayers and good thoughts. He felt the calm and confidence that he needed as the interview came and went, thanks to all of you.

1 comment:

Angela said...

great Tami!! Been thinking of you guys!! Keep us updated for sure ;-)