Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Minor Set-Back

Yesterday Matt was doing sprints to train for the 300 meter sprint portion of the physical fitness test that is required for his could-be-new-job and he pulled his hamstring!!! (are you kidding me?) When he got home he was icing his leg and he got a phone call telling him that the PT test is going to be on Friday morning of this week. He is feeling pretty concerned about whether he will be able to perform the 2 running portions of the test. There are sit-ups, push-ups, 300 meter sprint and 1.5 mile run. So once again, we are asking for lots of prayers. He either needs to bust this thing out on Friday, or something miraculous needs to happen that would push back the testing day without penalizing Matt. I really wish this was all over and he had the job. That would make life so much less stressful!!! Wish us luck!

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