Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Over Due...

I haven't been posting very many pictures lately, if any, because I haven't had a photo editor to help me make my pictures look decent. I'm super picky, some might add anal retentive, about pictures. For anyone out there who has ever watched me frame pictures, even if the frame is Walmart cheap, it will take me a LONG time to make sure the glass is clean, there are no specks of dust or anything else that will be on the picture in the frame. For my Mother-in-law, watching me frame pictures is a bad combination of comedy routine and "get-it-over-with-already". So for me, posting a picture with obvious and terrible red eye, just isn't an option. However, we can all send a big THANK YOU to my friend Angela who sent me a link to a great photo editing download and I am back in business. So this post is going to sport some pictures from a little bit of every where!

Addie playing her piano. She is sitting up by herself now and rolling both ways. If you lay her on a blanket she will no longer be in the same place when you return. I have seen her get up on her hands and knees for a brief moment, and only when she thinks no one is looking. This leads me to believe that one day she will start crawling without warning because she has perfected the art of crawling in her own personal time (aka nap time). Her head looks really big here...sorry Addie!
Tucker and Addie! I love pictures of them together. So sweet!

My Adeline at 6 months old. She is SEVEN months old now! I can hardly believe it.

Tucker and his friend Oscar who was visiting from New Hampshire. We all went to OMSI together and the boys were hammering and "screwing" plastic golf tees into foam blocks. Nothing like 3 year old boys working on a construction site! Oscar and Tucker don't remember the one other time they met, but they instantly took to each other and had so much fun. They are only a few weeks apart so it was fun to see how they are similar and different. Thanks for the fun visit Oscar! We hope to have many more play dates when you move out west this summer!

Addie and I at her first New Year's Eve party! She was feeling very festive all night...she didn't sleep until we put her in the car....WELL after midnight.

So HURRAY for pictures! Thanks Angela, I really appreciate you sharing your photo secrets with me. I love posting with pictures so maybe this will inspire me to take more pictures and post more blogs! After all, you are the one who inspired me to start this whole addictive mess anyway!!!


Angela said...

YAH!!!! They look fabulous my friend! And you're very welcome for introducing you to this addicting world...I love how close I feel to you - no matter how far away we are!! I'm so glad the photo editor works well- my dad and I love it!! Have a great rest of the week- and give those beautiful children of yours hugs from me!

Lindsey said...

Tami good job with the photos, it's so fun to see the kids. They look very happy and healthy. Hope all is well.

Dottie said...

Cute pictures, I hope you post more too. Addie is adorable and I love that pic of Tucker and his friend. It makes me excited for when Davis is that age.