Friday, September 5, 2008

Who wouldn't want to be me?

So here's the scene....Matt is gone, kids are tired, it's bedtime...a disaster waiting to happen. Addie sat in her bouncy seat in the bathroom while Tucker got his bath. She screamed the whole time. Tucker cried through the bath too, just because he's too tired to think straight. I get Tucker out of the bath (still crying), get Addie in the room (still crying), get Tucker's jammies on (still crying), look down at Addie (still crying). It is then that I realize this is more noise than two eardrums should be able to withstand. For a split second I wonder if this is really my life. It's Friday night about 8pm and I'm listening to this? Shouldn't I be at a restaurant with my husband drinking wine or getting ready to do something fun with my friends? (If you are thinking to yourself, "what friends?"...well so am I!!! SAD...a whole other blog topic that I shouldn't even start. You don't want to hear me gripe and complain about my lack of female companionship) Wake up Tami...this is your life and your ears will bleed soon if you don't resolve this situation! Instead of taking quick action to comfort and silence my children, I decide to take a short video that will one day make me laugh. Not tonight, mind you, but one day I WILL laugh about this. And as I take this video I think to myself "Who wouldn't want to be me right now?" Enjoy the noise. HA HA HA


Angela said...

oh heavens sakes!!!! How many TIMES have I been in that situation? I cna't even tell you cause I can't remember the number!! I SO wish we were living closer...I would've run over to your house and helped you solve the world's problems- and afterwards when little ones were asleep we could've sat down and had that delicious glass of wine :-)

anna said...

For some reason I can't decide if this video makes me laugh or cry. The crying because I got 3 hours of sleep last night (baby crying on this end too). Laughter just because you are funny friend. Keep blogging. Wish we were closer!

Karin said...

Oh, Tami. I can totally relate and can tell you that you definitely will laugh about day! I am amazed your brain was still functioning enough to tell you to record it. We're having Mom's Night Out this weekend and I was thinking about you when I sent out an email saying I'd drive everyone. I believe I still owe you one! We miss you and your little ones!!!

christyephillips said...

LOVE IT! I often feel the same way, how did I get to this point in my life??? Granted, I love my life, and my family, but somedays it would be REALLY nice to go out on my own with the girls! Hang in there, it will get better. Sorry Matt is gone, all hell seems to break loose when Kent is gone too, (or I completely run out of patience)!