Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Hung up on photos...

Alright, well here's the real deal. I feel like every time I post a blog, I need a picture. Mostly because all the other blogs I read always have adorable pictures of kids doing fun things. The truth is, I take pictures. I want to blog. When I finally get a chance to sit down and type, I'm sitting in the recliner with a baby attached to me and I don't have my pictures hooked up to the laptop. I think I'm just going to have to get over the fact that I can't post a picture with every blog. But since I haven't posted in a long time and there is lots of news in our family, I will post pictures and tell some stories. I let Tucker take some pictures with the camera and I told him to take a picture of his feet, and this is what I got! NOT BAD! He's pretty good at taking pictures and I think we should get him one of those kiddie digital cameras for Christmas. I think he would really like it and I wouldn't have to sweat every time he wanted to carry around my nice camera to take pictures of the grass or the dog.

This picture of Tucker and Addie is one of my FAVORITES! Although Tucker has a crazed look on his face, this is a picture of my baby smiling! I love it! She isn't laughing yet but she has gigantic smiles and she is cooing. I just love the reward of a smile after all the hours sitting in the recliner getting nothing in return but sore nipples! ha ha ha! This is another "Tucker Special Photography"! See, not bad for a 2 1/2 year old!

Last weekend, we went to Matt's Grandpa's house for a BBQ. This was the first time that Grandpa got to meet Addie. It was a yummy BBQ and other than Tucker hitting himself in the head with a golf ball, everyone had a great time.

Where do they learn to make faces like this? How bad can one 2 month old baby make you feel? I'm not sure if this face is incredibly sad or if she is so just so pissed that she is getting ready to tell me off. I think it would go something like this..."MOM! Seriously. This car seat, not cushy, not plush, not fun. This is plastic with some wanna-be cushion on it. My butt hurts. Get me out of here. Get me a new car seat. Oh yeah, and I'm hungry...or tired...I'm not sure. That's not my job to know what's wrong, but it's your job to fix it. Now hop to it, LADY!"

If anyone has any flippin' clue when/how my little baby boy got this big...let me know.

Some other happenings in our world:
**Matt is still job searching. He has put in several applications and we are waiting to hear back on anything.
**I had a minor surgery today to remove more skin from the "abnormal cell" area on my breast today. It involved slicing, cutting with scissors, cauterizing and 7 stitches. It wasn't my favorite.
**Matt leaves soon to go on a small adventure to pick up his new "baby". Don't worry, I'll post more about that when he gets back home from the trip we are named, "The Short Way Home".
I'm going to try to post more often, pictures or not. Who knows if I will be able to get over that feeling!

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