Thursday, November 13, 2008

Sleepy Tucker

This just happened the other day up at my Mom's house. I kept Tucker up with no nap that day and then it was about 8:45 at night when Tucker came into the room where my Mom and I were talking. He laid down on the floor just like this and I was joking that if we left him there, he would fall asleep. A few minutes later he got up and left the room. I thought he was going to go play somewhere else. About 5 minutes later my Mom and I come out into the living room to find this. Tucker had left the bedroom and gone to the living room laid down here behind the couch and went to sleep! The bigger picture below reveals that Batbah (AKA Grandpa Dan...Batbah is how Tucker pronounced Grandpa and the name stuck) is sleeping on the couch right in front of Tucker!! These pictures of Tucker falling asleep got me thinking about all the times he has fallen asleep at my Mom's house since we moved out here. This picture was taken when I went in to check on Tucker before going to bed myself. We had just taken the side rail off the crib because the night before he climbed out of the crib. So with the expectation that he would fall out of bed, my Mom made a bed on the floor right next to the crib. When I went in to check on him, he was out of the crib, over the back-up bed and on the carpet face down! It was so funny we had to take this picture!This was taken one day after my Mom and Tucker went on a hike. On the way home he got a hamburger Happy Meal and he fell asleep in the highchair at home. You have to be pretty wiped out to fall asleep with a happy meal in your hand!Again, asleep with food in his hand. We really run this little boy into the ground sometimes! He never used to fall asleep in highchairs or random places around the house. The good news...this proves to me that he is no where near dropping his afternoon nap. Hallelujah!!!!

1 comment:

Angela said...

It's just not fair the amount of sleep the kids get- while we are wide awake taking these kinds of pictures! ha! I love'em- thanks for sharing!