Thursday, November 13, 2008

Children's Museum

Tucker, Addie and I went the Children's Museum last Friday for a promotional night they call "Free First Friday" that Target sponsors and the entrance fees and parking are free! For those in the Portland area, it's held on the first Friday of the month from 5-8pm. It was really fun, kind of crowded and super FREE! The current exhibit is Bob The Builder which was very fun for Tucker. They had Legos to build with and all kinds of tools and activities for the kids. All the Bob stuff was separate from all the other regular exhibits so there was plenty to do! Tucker drove Scoop.We played with clay, mostly Tucker just hit it with a wooden hammer they had there. He was really freaked out that his hands were dirty when he got done.

This was hilarious! This is a train table that was in the museum. He loves trains and especially running them on tracks like this one. He is so skinny that he could fit into a small hole in the table and he was playing trains from the center of the track! It was so funny to see him standing there.

This was a grocery store/cafe that they had as an exhibit. Tucker was the smallest kid in the cafe serving food to people. He was making sure that this food wasn't real. He liked pouring coffee for everyone the best.


Angela said...

He's such a little "man" I tell ya! He's getting so big and it's really fun to watch him grow through your's really true that you blink and you'r baby is grown up huh?

Dory said...


We were there on Friday, too, only we didn't realize it was the free night when we went. Of course we realized around 5 when the crowds started rolling in!

The indoor playgrounds are at the community centers. We went to the Southwest Community center, which is in Gabriel Park. The Fulton Park Community Center isn't too far either. I'm not sure if Tualatin Hills does these or not, but if they do there's the Garden Home Rec Ctr. really close too. Tucker would love it, and it looked like there were lots of sibling sets there with little ones in carseats, etc. so you could take Addie too. Check it out!