Sunday, December 6, 2009

Christmas Preparations

I am just going to give myself a Good Mommy Award, because I'VE decided I deserve it! This is nothing like the Mommy Of The Year Award that I often nominate myself for, where I do something so awful, mean or stupid that I deserve some recognition for being a jerk. This is honest-to-goodness good Mommy crap. Now, I might be insane, stupid or naive for thinking these things are good ideas, but hey that's what vacuums and lots of Sham-Wows are for!! I'm going to omit the part where I was covered from fingertip to elbow in white frosting and how I had to vacuum the tiny ball candy when Tucker dumped a large bowl off the counter. And I won't mention about how the tiny ball candies were spread from the kitchen to under the couches in the family room. Remember, I already said this wasn't a smart was just a good memory making event with Tucker! I must be letting him out in public too much because somehow he found out about making ginger bread houses! I was really trying to hold him off on this kind of knowledge until he was capable of making these things without my assistance! Well, unlike my efforts to keep him in the dark about Chuck E. Cheese (which he still hasn't been to) my evil plans to keep him from making a ginger bread house came to a screeching halt this last week. We made a trip to Costco where they had the easiest and most complete ginger bread house. If you are feeling brave (aka STUPID) like me, then get your ginger bread house at Costco. It comes with more candy than you can even put on the house, which by the way is hard as a rock and probably older than Tucker. It also comes with this tray that has grooves in it so that the sides of the house stay together better. Anyway, I'm not getting paid by Costco to say any of this, so I'm going to stop acting like a promotions coordinator for Costco's ginger bread houses. So this is me...Good Mommy Award.

The first picture is the ginger bread girl "Addie" as decorated by Tucker. Notice the mouth that is really big, he said she was sad and crying. Which is pretty accurate with her cutting her 1 year molars right now.
This is the front of the house and the ginger bread boy that is "Tucker". I decorated this one with Tucker's help. The little ball candies lining the roof are the ones I will be finding in the kitchen and family room for many months to come.
Tucker was VERY proud of his work!
This is me, after vacuuming and mopping up the house! See my smile! Do you think he bought the idea that I was having a blast?? ha ha ha!

I have been earning my GMAs for the last few weeks as we prepare for Christmas. I let my kids bake! We made a recipe that calls for a dry yellow cake mix as a topping for a pumpkin pie dessert...I should really post the recipe for this! I will, at the end of the post. YUMMY and EASY. Honestly, my kids made it. Other than cracking the eggs, they did it all.
This is Addie's small cake mix spill that turned into a great opportunity to see what dry cake mix tastes like! She LOVED it...if you can't tell by the smile on her face!
We decorated our tree...well Tucker and Addie decorated first then I "helped" after they went to bed that night.
Addie rode the wrapping paper. I have GOT to remember this year to not buy my kids ANY actual Christmas presents because all they really want is a few, large boxes.
Well, not exactly the final product...but close enough. I will of course have to post again about our tree because I'm actually really happy with it! It was just supposed to be thrown together with cheap bows so I didn't stress myself out with trying to keep the kids off of it, but I think I might really like it! Since this picture we got a gold star for the top and I have plans to wrap those pictures on the wall like presents so we can be more festive! I need to get on that! More pictures of my Walmart Bow Christmas Tree to come!

Until then, I challenge you with two things....
1. I know finances suck. Matt and I had 10 months of unemployment this year and we live with his Mom...I know CRAPPY finances. But remember the things you do have. Be blessed in giving, even if it's small. Try this week to bless someone less fortunate. You know that guy on the street that is asking for help? You don't have to give him money. Pack an extra sandwich in the morning when you make your lunch for work. If the man is TRULY needy, he will need that sandwich as much as he needs a few bucks. Give, be as generous as you can, be blessed with the gratitude that is given in return. Your generosity will make you richer in your heart than that dollar makes you in your wallet.

2. I challenge you to make this dessert and share it with someone special. Remember...MY KIDS MADE can do it too!!!
Pumpkin Pie Crunch
1- 15 oz can of pure pumpkin
1- 12 oz can evaporated milk
3 eggs
1-1/2 C sugar
4 tsp pumpkin pie spice
1/2 tsp salt
1 box yellow cake mix
1 C chopped pecans
1 C melted butter
Serve with cool whip

Preheat oven to 350
grease 9 x 13 pan

Combine pumpkin, milk, eggs sugar, spice and salt in large bowl. Pour mixture into 9 x 13 pan. Sprinkle dry cake mix over mixture. Top with pecans. Drizzle with melted butter. Bake at 350 for 50-55 minutes or until golden brown. Serve with cool whip.
Then, let me know what you think! Enjoy!


christyephillips said...

Wow! Great post! You def. deserve a mommy award! I am exhausted just reading that. My sis started the gingerbread thing with B, looks like I will have to do it this year with him....good times. :) I am going to try your recipe, thanks!

Dottie said...

Award granted!! Very cute Gbread house, way to go Tucker!

Hillary Atkins said...

You are awesome Tami! We bought a gingerbread train from Target...let's hope it turns out okay! = )

Our Snyder Family said...

Good job, Mommy! You officially deserve the award! Isn't it funny how, just every once and a while, we need to say..."I did it and I did a good job!" :) Brody and I are making cookies tomorrow...I hope it is as successful as your adventure with Addie and Tucker. :)