Thursday, February 19, 2009

Not In Order

I still haven't posted about my incredibly romantic, yummy and wonderful birthday dinner date with Matt, but I feel like if I don't post this (even if it pains me to blog "out of order") then I just won't remember to tell you about my awesome day today.

I need to preface this blog by saying this: My Mom has the most incredible boss and his entire family is amazing. Gene is constantly giving my Mom time off work to travel, have play dates with me, long lunch hours to have lunch with me and the kids, and just about whatever else she wants to do. He is an incredible boss, but more importantly, he is my Mom's friend. Gene would give you the shirt off his back and anything else you would need. Gene would do all of these things gladly and expect nothing in return, except maybe a hug! His wife is equally amazing. Patty is a phenomenal mother. She is more genuine and loving than anyone else I know. She will cheer you on no matter what is going on in your life and will cry with you when times are hard. Whenever I talk to Patty I know that I can't get away with any kind of surface discussion...she always wants to know how you're really doing. Not only are these two some of the most amazing people I know, they are raising two equally wonderful daughters. If either of my kids are half as responsible as Stephanie, I will fall out of my chair. And sweet Emma...she cried at our last play date because she thought she hurt Tucker (he feel off some play equipment and she was no where near by!!! We are trying to make an arranged marriage for Emma and Tucker). Needless to say, the entire family is a real gem and I am better for knowing them. I only hope that I bring as much joy to their life as they give me and my family. Oh one more thing, I think as much as I admire the way Gene and Patty live their life, I think I'm more in awe of how much they love each other. These people are more in love than most couples I know! They are so sweet with each other, Patty is constantly talking about how handsome (she actually says things like hot) Gene is and how much she loves him. I admire their relationship so much. I wish more people were more public about the good things about their spouse, instead of the constant complaints.

So generous Gene let my Mom out of work (again), sweet Patty had little Adeline and my dear Matthew had a date with Tucker. I can not begin to thank each and every one of them enough for the day that they made possible for me and my Mommy!!! I really can't remember the last time I spent time alone with my Mom. I enjoy my Mom so much and I always look forward to seeing her. I feel like I see her quite a bit, but really seeing her and really talking to her doesn't happen very much...well not like today! We had really fun manicures and pedicures, we bought shoes, shirts and all kinds of fun things! While we sat down having our pedicures, I'm sure the people there thought we hadn't seen each other in a few years....there wasn't even a moment of, chat, chat, chat! FUN FUN FUN!!! We had so much fun that I carried my camera with me all day, and didn't take even ONE photo! I'm kind of bummed out about not having a picture with my Mom, but I think that just means that we need to schedule our next Mother/Daughter day to capture the fun.

I had so much fun Mommy. I love you more than I even know how to tell you. You are so fun to be with, I love talking with you, and I never want to stop learning about you and who you are. I hope that you had as much fun as I did and that you are excited for our next date (let's play soon).


Cyndi said...

Hi Tami!

I haven't had the pleasure of meeting you or your family...including your Mom, but I have to say that you seem to have everything right on so far in my book!

You see, I have the most awesome brother-in-law in the world and my sister has always been the bestest sister anyone could ever ask for. I was like 13 I think, when I first met Gene, and boy could I tell you some stories! Haha (all good big brother!)

Aren't my neices amazing?!! My sister is an incredible Mom. I think she gets that from our Mom!

So, glad you enjoyed your day! Take advantage of those special moments with your Mommy! Maybe make it a once a month date! I sure wish I could!!

So thanks for the great post. I am looking forward to meeting all of you one of these days. Your kids are adorable!

Cyndi (Patty's YOUNGER Sister)

Rachel May said...

I remember your mom and how excited you were to have her visit in HI. I'm so grateful that I have a great mom too.

Did you know you can change the dates on your posts? I sometimes do that if I blog out of order. I leave it for a bit, then go back and edit the date so it gets put into the right place. :)