Saturday, February 28, 2009

Birth Control

These are the kinds of things that confirm that I don't need anymore children. Isn't two enough? (this video was taken just outside the door of Tucker and Addie's room. This video is all black because the room is dark and all I wanted was the audio, aka screaming and crying.)


Angela said...

oh seriously!! You poor thing...been there and still doing that sista! ;-) Yesterday Cam had a tantrum in his room and proceeded to rip (into shreds) the poster on the back of his alive they drive us to drink huh?

Rachel May said...

You've caught the essence of a bad day with that clip! Joseph has been similar lately. I even *gasp* put him in the daycare at church today! I feel for you.

Of course, one joy of having another baby is that they let the other kids grow up another 9 months before showing up. And then when they come they are so sweet and warm and perfect. Bill tells me he's an "Army of one" with his desire for more space between babies. The kids have started putting in gender requests, and I give them my stock response, "Ask God and ask Daddy."

Hope tomorrow is better!