Monday, February 23, 2009

Just When I Thought...

Just when I thought I couldn't love my Grandma Mickie any more than I already do, she pulls this one out on Sunday when I saw her, "So Tami, who do you think the Bachelor will choose?" I just had to start laughing! I am, for better or worse, addicted to the Bachelor. I just about fell over when my Grandma, of all people, ask me about the show! I would have never, ever guessed that my Grandma would be watching that show but after thinking about it for a few minutes, it's actually a perfect fit. My Grandma is very wise when it comes to relationships and first impressions of people. When most people think that their parents' opinions of their boyfriend/girlfriend is most important, I always counted my Grandma right up there with them. She always tells it how it is and she is always right on. I was dating this guy in college and for all I knew, it was extremely serious. I got to the point where I wanted my Grandma to meet him. My Grandma told me after they met that he was very nice, she could tell we had fun together, but, "he's not the one for you". (Side note: She has always liked Matt very much and when we got back together at the end of college, she told me that she always knew we would be together, she just wasn't sure how it was going to happen) Anyway, I was floored that my Grandma would ask who the Bachelor would pick, but I actually think it made me love her just a little bit more. I mean how cool is it that my Grandma watches the Bachelor??? My Grandma Mickie has macular degeneration and will never be able to read this blog, but I have to tell you a little bit about why I love her so much....and it's not just because she watches the Bachelor! My Grandma is just about the most headstrong person I know. She is independent, to a fault, and has a hard time accepting help from anyone. These characteristics make her life very frustrating because her eye sight is going quickly and makes her independence very unlikely in the coming years. She always tells you how it is, no matter how you are going to feel about it. She likes to do things on her own. She is extremely outgoing and very mentally sharp for her age, but her body continues to fail her. Whether it's her eyes or a hip replacement, it seems like age is taking over her body. It seems so unfair that someone with the mental capabilities that she has would be losing her independence because of her body. I think aging is unfair. Either way, I believe that I am very much like my Grandma. We really relate to each other and I tell her everything. Many of you will be mad to know this, BUT...My Grandma knew the names of our children even when our own parents didn't! Sorry guys! Her opinion means so much to me and I feel like she will be honest and fair. I wish she lived closer to me and if we had the means I would honestly go kidnap her from her little life in her tiny town and have her live with us. That would give me so much joy and I hope I, one day, have the honor of spending that much time with her and helping her (although she would probably start throwing punches if she knew I wanted to h-e-l-p her). I think I would be the perfect person to take care of her though. I understand her desire and need to be independent and I would allow her to do that, as long as she was safe. I get her and she gets me. I love this lady. I named my daughter after her (my Grandma's middle name is Adeline). I hope she understands how much I love her because, as it is unstoppable, I will not have her in my life forever. One day, I will have to rely on my memories to spend time with her. Until that day, I will cherish her opinions, her laughter and just try to see her as much as I can.

1 comment:

Dottie said...

What a cool grandma!! I'm addicted too, wish I wasn't, but I am :)