Wednesday, March 10, 2010

First Bank Account

Yesterday, Tucker opened his first bank account! What a big boy. It was a happy and sad day for me. I'm glad to be able to share the wealth of information I have on being frugal and hopefully teach him how to be responsible with spending and saving money. However, it felt a little bit like dropping him off at preschool for the first time. Watching my 4 pound 2 ounce baby turn into a kid, no longer the baby or toddler who needs me like he used to. (Maybe this is the part where I take my own advice and start enjoying Addie more instead of wondering why she is always hanging on my legs, crying endlessly) Either way, Tucker...big dude.

So we emptied his 2 piggy banks that were filled with coins, with the exception of three $1.00 bills, and headed to the bank. Matt and I made bets on how much it would be worth. I said $57.00 and Matt said $73.00.

We get to the bank and the people are all very sweet to Tucker, asking him questions about what he is saving his money for, etc. They also let us go behind the counter to see the coin machine work its magic counting the 30 or so pounds of coins. When all was said and done, that kid has almost as much in savings as we do. See below....

If you don't think you are reading that correctly...let me make it clear for you....


Patti said...

Great job Tucker! What's your little secret? Picked up a side job or just picked up loose change around the house? Keep saving, you never know when you'll need or use it!!

Jen Stokes said...

$280!!!!! Are you kidding me? I think I would've told the bank teller anything over $80 should be redirected to Mommy & Daddy's account. Is Tucker working a job under the table as a bookie?