Friday, April 23, 2010

Mother of the Year...yes, again!

I am becoming very confident that I will secure the Mother of the Year Award based on all of my stellar nominations.

So about 2 weeks back, Addie started grabbing at her diaper and yelling and crying. I would take her in the room, change her, wipe her really well and check for any signs of diaper rash. All clear. Drive on, Addie. We would go through this routine about once a day. Skip ahead to Tuesday night. She wakes up at 1 am (actually Wednesday morning) and her fever is 103 and she barfs, the reason I missed the house inspection. If you missed that story, check out the Interior Revealed post. So Wednesday I get her fever under control with Tylenol and Motrin, but after her nap she is back to having a fever of 102.3. So I call our beloved Doctor, who is thankfully the doctor on-call. He gives me some suggestions and says that he would be happy to see her on Friday if the fever isn't under control (he is closed on Thursdays). So we work on his suggestions and on Thursday afternoon she wakes up from her nap at 103.7. Ok, that's it. She's going to the doctor on Friday. So I wake up in the morning, call the Doc as soon as the office is open and get an afternoon appointment. Her physical exam shows nothing. No ear infection, no throat infections, lungs clear, lymph nodes not enlarged, and belly is feeling good. So he says there must be some infection inside that he can't physically see. So the game plan is, write a prescription for the antibiotics but not fill it unless she spikes a high fever again. He didn't want to just pass out drugs, but he didn't want to leave my high and dry for the weekend either. I thought that was fair. So then he starts talking about how it's difficult to diagnose small children with bladder infections because of the lack of urine sample. I start nodding in agreement understanding how that would be hard, and then it occurs to me... Addie is not potty trained, but she most certainly does go potty on the toilet very consistently when asked to go. So I told the Doctor that I was pretty sure I could get a urine sample, providing that there was even anything in her bladder. So they set up the toilet with one of those bowl like catchers in it, because our Doc likes me enough to not ask me to catch my almost-two-year-old-daughter's urine in a cup. AND SHE PERFORMED LIKE A CHAMP! Tucker was in the bathroom with us and he was cheering her on. "Alright Addie! Look at all that potty! Good job, Big Girl! Look Addie, you did all the way up to two. Wow Addie! Big Girl! I'm so proud of you!" ...on and on. When we returned to the exam room and the Doctor walked in, Tucker proudly announced that Addie did potty to number two (he was looking at the measurements on the catcher). It was so sweet and loving that he was genuinely proud of Addie's potty performance. But I was really, seriously, genuinely, honestly proud too. Such a big girl, just like Tucker said. She is in pain, and has been for who knows how long, and she does potty in a strange place, with a weird thing on the toilet, with me and Tucker staring at her! It was one of those weird, proud, Mommy Moments that just make you say, Damn Right That's My Girl! She's not even two years old and she just gave the doctor a urine sample!

So that was my proud moment. The Mommy of the Year Award comes in when I tell you that because of her stellar performance and urine sample, that my dear daughter has a full blown bladder infection. Who knows how long she has had it. I am now certain that her yelling at me while holding on to her diaper a few weeks ago was a sign that I missed. And really, why not let your daughter run around with a bladder infection for 2 weeks? Why not.

Once again, I give you permission to post your Mother of the Year nominations....come on...make me feel better!


christyephillips said...

Oh Tami! There's no way you would have known! I am so proud of her for tinkling on the big potty at the Dr.'s! That is much better than trying to catch urine in a plastic container thingy with a diaper on. Been there, done that. Way to go Addy! I hope you're feeling better!

Angela said...

I agree with Christy, HOW could you have known? Don't be hard on yourself, just move forward and be so thankful you took her in when you did and got the meds now! You are an incredible mother who LOVES her babies so much and it always shows =) I hope she feels better soon!