Saturday, April 17, 2010

Hillsboro Queen (no, I'm not talking about myself)

There she be...our new home. We are in contract on this home in Hillsboro, Oregon and I'm so excited about it. We have been back in the Portland area around 2 years and we are finally getting our life put back together. We have been looking for a home for a few months now and we finally found the one that will fit our immediate wants and needs. Although we really do like this home, it still feels like a step backwards from our first home purchase in Louisiana. We had a 2200 sq ft home on a one acre lot and we basically paid peanuts for it. So it was a huge shock to see what money will buy you here in the Portland Metro Area! All I can tell you is that it's certainly NOT a one acre lot, it is NOT 2200 sq ft and we did NOT pay peanuts for it, but none the less, it's ours.

This is our one level, 3 bed, 2 bath, 2 car garage home. She comes in at a whoppin' 1552 sq ft, but she boasts vaulted ceilings in the family room and living room for the appearance of extra square footage. In the back yard there is a great deck for BBQs and entertaining, a play structure that is being left by the current owners and a fantastic hot tub to soak my worries away. I'm sure that will be a delightful place to have an adult beverage this summer! She will keep us warm in the winter and cool in the summer with her heat pump. There is a perfect bay window in the front of the house so she can proudly display the twinkling lights of our Christmas tree this year. Although she can brag about her many fine qualities, there are some cosmetic changes she will endure throughout our stay. The first, and most blaring flaw, is what her careless owners have put on her walls. WOWZAH! They certainly did a doozy on her. Some inexperienced homeowners might call her damaged goods, but under that retina burning paint, there is a fine woman waiting to show her true colors. We will be delivering that fresh coat of "pizazz" before we move all our belongings in. With that small token of the love and care that we will give her over the years, I'm sure she will begin to shine like the diamond in the rough that she is. We will be ending our engagement and beginning our marriage with this fine Hillsboro Queen on May 17th, at a smokin' rate thanks to our lender. I will be posting more picture of the interior, and all of the intense paint, later this week. Our inspection is this week and I plan on taking my camera, not only to show everyone, but also to start my before/after portfolio of this gem of a house.

**if you need a lender, even if you have been denied and you think you can't get a loan, YOU CAN. Just ask and I will send you her name. AMAZING lender. She works her tail off for you and fights for you, I can't say enough good things.**

Oh and if you were wondering why I'm so certain that she is, in fact, a she...the trim and door paint is purple. ...but like many things, that too will change! I'll take a vote later on because I'm not 100% certain what exterior color I want. Let me get some photos with better lighting so you can submit your opinion.


Dottie said...

Congrats Tami! She is a beaut!

Hillary Atkins said...

How exciting Tami! I can't wait to see all you pictures...I love before and afters! ; ) Congratulations and enjoy!!

Lindsey said...

Yeah for you...and Hillsboro is where I grew up!

Jen Stokes said...

I think it's great! And in size and layout, it sounds a lot like our house. The vaulted ceilings make such a difference! Plus, look at this way - the downsizing means less to clean and less yard to care for, not that we are good at either with that amount of space, but it's a good theory. :-)


Jen Stokes said...

PS - I am an idiot, b/c I signed my comment like it was an email.

Angela said...

Oh Tam I know how much you've WANTED "her" for so long!!! =) I am so thrilled for you and I just love how you describe your gem, your new home! The house just sounds fabulous and I can't wait to see how you put your warmth and love and effort into it- and a hot tub- how perfect for ending those hard, long days! You guys deserve this and I'm so happy for you!

Rachel May said...

Congratulations! May you have many blessed and happy years there.