Wednesday, August 20, 2008

What a difference in such a short amount of time...

I love looking back at pictures of Tucker. The picture of him in the red shirt was just taken in April, just before we left Louisiana. I can't believe how much he has changed in these past few months. I'm sure all you Moms out there can agree that time flies by and before you know it your kids no longer look like the pictures you JUST took of them. WOW...I just said "kids", that's with an "s" on it now. I guess it still feels strange to be a mother of two! Life is so different now and I love it. Today we are getting a "sit n stand" stroller and I'm really excited about it. Never thought I would be so excited over a stroller. I guess Mommyhood changes EVERYTHING! I love coffee and strollers. "Really? Coffee and strollers?" you might say. I can confidently say yes, coffee and strollers.


Rachel May said...

Just the other day a friend gave me a new used double baby jogger. Honey, I tell you, it was darn exciting. In fact, I think every one of my MANY strollers has been exciting....

Tucker is getting so big!

Angela said...

I'm such a dork...I got SO excited each and every time I would buy diapers that were a size larger than before- like that was a HUGE transition, their butt getting bigger! HA!!!!!