Tuesday, February 2, 2010

...And Again...

For his next act, Tucker stuck his finger in the lemon that we have in the play kitchen. Unfortunately, in that lemon's former life, it was an actual lemon juice container which means it has a hole in the top. And as we are all quickly learning, if Tucker's finger might fit in it, he's gonna give it a try. Also notice how he smiles like he just won an award for another brilliant idea!

1 comment:

Patti said...

looks like Tucker is following in his Great Aunt Patti's footsteps or fingers? I had to do this....I put my finger in the desert tray at a nice restaurant to test it and see if they were real or not....guess what? They are real!! I think your mother sitting across from me was egging me on to do it!!

Next trick for Tucker to do will be flying pancakes....
love ya'