Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Addie is 14 Months Old!

Addie is now 14 months old! It's so crazy how fast she is growing up and how the time is flying by. She is the best baby EVER...except when she is teething! She is very bright, but of course I would say that because what mother doesn't think that their kid is the smartest, cutest and best behaved?
These top 2 pictures were recently taken at a park. The second pictures is Addie's smile, I guess? It looks silly. The third pic is Addie wearing my bikini top and thinking that his hilarious! The only thing funny about my bikini is the fact that I'm a mother of two and still think I have the right to wear a bikini!! ha ha ha! I should really revisit the idea that bikinis, among other garments, are a privilege not a right! I guess in my defense, I have a long torso and one piece bathing suits pull on my shoulders and crotch, and let's just talk about how uncomfortable that is!? I should really reel myself back in...this update is about Addie not her mother and how she is crazy and neurotic.
The video at the bottom is Addie at the park proving what a big girl she is now! She climbed the stairs and went down the slide...ALL BY HERSELF!

Addie is a wonderful communicator! She is saying words and is the rundown of what she can do/say. I have been trying to get videos of her signing and talking for about a week now, but whenever she sees the camera she just "smiles" and then runs at me. Pretty soon I'm going to be forced to just post that video to prove I've been trying!

WORDS: Mama, Dada, "Aah-da" Addie, "Tutu" Tucker, "Bo" our dog, "Batbah" my Stepdad, "Nana" my Mom, "Am-mah" Grandma Michele...Matt's Mom, duck, I swear today she said "pretty", she has her version of diaper "ahper", "uuh-pah" is up, "uh duh" all done, "bye bye", "bebe" baby, "shh" shoe, "eeeye" eye with an exaggerated long i sound, "at tu" thank you, and there is something that I can't phonetically spell that she uses consistently to respond to us telling her "I love you". It's not really a sign or a word, but when you say goodbye to Addie she blows kisses instead of waving goodbye!

SIGNS: please, thank you, more, all done, dog, cat, bird, duck, hat, flower, ball, eat, cheese, milk, water, and fish.

Addie has 9 teeth and is cutting another one probably tomorrow. She is getting her teeth in a really weird order and her bottom left incisor is super crooked! Hello orthodontics! At her 1 year appointment she was 20 lbs and 28 inches long. That's 30th percentile for weight and 50th percentile for height. She is a huge blessing and I can't imagine not having her in my life.

1 comment:

christyephillips said...

She is adorable! I say wear the bikini, show off the war wounds (stretch marks, if you have them)!

Tucker is an excellent entertainer!