Thursday, March 3, 2011

What do you do?

My sweet and beautiful sister-in-law loves my blog and I heard that she recently asked my Mom about my blog. I believe the story went something like this..."I love Tami's blog. I wish she posted more" My Mom: "She's really busy" SIL: "Busy? What does she do?!?" Wow...that question is so deep on so many levels. Some days I can't list the things I do because they are so great in numbers. So let's just take yesterday, for an example, here's what I did.
1. Woke up at 7am, after going to bed at 1am.
2. Made breakfast for 2 kids, and then cleaned the dishes.
3. Food/water for K9.
4. 2 kids dressed.
5. 2 kids waters and snacks for the car
6. Mommy dressed...of course there is an audience because you no longer have your own identity or privacy.
7. out the door...wait, did I remember diapers and wipes...back in the house....back to the car.
8. 2 kids in carseats
9. Arrive at Mother in Law's house.
10. Clean her house for 2 hours, while the kids have snack and drop crumbs on the carpet I just vacuumed.
11. Make lunch for me and kids.
12. Clean up lunch dishes.
13. shoes/socks/coats/toys and kids back in the car, but not before I have to chase them around to herd them into their carseats.
14. 3 hours at OMSI...2 kids, 1 mommy.....again, it's like herding cats.
15. cook dinner for kids
16. run 2.5 miles
17. clean dinner dishes
18. check email....the first time I've sat down since lunch.
19. 2 kids dress down/brush teeth/bathroom/bathtub
20. 1 kid can dress himself, Mommy dresses the other kid
21. 2 cups with water for kids at bed time
22. make sure that all comfort items are in the correct beds, blankets and all.
23. read 2 stories
24. say prayers
25. good night....for the kids.
26. Listen to a little girl yell for her mommy for 30 minutes.
27. Eat a cold dinner.
28. Do the dishes, again.
29. Call my mom, only to hear the question posed by my SIL...."What does she do?" It was so funny, that I was in tears. I'm certain I didn't list everything I did, and not even one worry or thought that went through my mind all when I couldn't find my daughter at OMSI for a split second. But physically, that's what my body did....and I'd like you to take note, SIL, a shower for Mommy was NOT on that list. I haven't showered yet today either, and it's 1:32pm...I'm hoping that if the kids don't start fighting because I've been on the computer blogging, that I might get a shower.

I would love for my other Mommy Friends to take a moment and make a list either as a comment here on the blog to share with my SIL, or just for your personal use. Writing down what I do during the day really helps me validate that I DO EVERYTHING!!! Sometimes at the end of the day, I feel like I've done nothing because every last thing I've cleaned is dirty, once again. I don't even want to get started on the laundry issue. That's a battle that will one day kill me, I'm certain of that.

I LOVE YOU S.D. You are a perfect mate for my brother, and we are all so lucky to have you in our family. I would encourage you to come to a "job shadow" of will blow your mind and be some of the most powerful birth control on Earth.


Briana said...

I know one thing you didn't mention were the thousands of questions that you answered all throughout the day from 2 little ones. Some that make sense and are satisfied with one answer and some answers that just create a thousand more questions!

christyephillips said...

AMEN! Love this post! I don't have the time/energy to write down everything, you did a great job, but fairly certain you left out a million other things. I quickly blogged about a 20 minute time span about my morning...that took long enough. have a good day hanging out! :)

Angela said...

I LOVE that you squeezed in a moment to blog again!
So this morning, both kids wake early than normal which means that Grandma put them to bed later-than-normal, because why would any child actually SLEEP in when they go to bed late? The dog is whining nonstop form his kennel, the cat meaows like someone is killing him, the coffee pot beeps and I pour myslef a cup of coffee and then proceed to leave it on the counter b/c someone needs snacks, milk, cartoons, is fighting over the Ipad, can't stop saying the word "stupid", dog whines again because he wants out AGAIN, cat trips me on my way to the bathroom, and THEN I remember I had the cup of coffee sitting on the counter oh, say, 30 minutes later. And now it's cold. Super duper.