Friday, March 6, 2009

Never Want To Forget This

This is something that I never want to forget about Addie. She sleeps on her tummy now and she always has her hands up by her head or under her face when she sleeps. When she woke up from her nap the other day she had her hand prints all over her face! It was so funny. This has happened before, but not like this! I could actually see the outlines of her fingernails in that print on the side of her head! (if I were a better photographer, I would have captured that!) In these pictures, she has one hand print on the side of her face and the other is on her forehead. I love this about her and I know with time I will forget these little things...just one more reason to love this thing called blogging.

1 comment:

Dottie said...

Thats too funny! Good thing you captured that. PS.. I love her eyes!