Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Poo Poo Miracle

You can just thank me now because I did NOT take a picture, but I do have some good news. Last night Addie was sitting in a booster chair and she started to lift herself off the chair and I asked her if she was OK. She replied, "poo poo". So I took her out of the seat and as we were walking to her room to change her, I didn't smell anything. I checked her diaper, nothing. So I decided to do a little experiment. I put her on the toilet, just to see if anything would happen. She went potty right away, which is something that she does every night before bath. Then I read her a few books and before you know it, she is doing poo poo in the toilet! YEAHHOOOOO!! I'm getting way ahead of myself thinking about how nice it will be to be diaper free but it's hard not to be excited after last night. I had always heard that girls were easier to train than boys, but this is crazy. Addie isn't even 17 months yet. Hurray Addie!


Angela said...

horray for poo-poo in the potty!

christyephillips said...

errr. she better not figure it out before my girls, who are 2 and a half, they seem to be regressing, no even attempting/pretending anymore! good luck!

Dottie said...

Thats great tami, can you share your tactics with me? Right now Davis is very interested in sitting on the potty but never, I mean never goes,ever! What do I do?

Hillary Atkins said...

OOHH...jealous! Brindley has ZERO interest in going "pee pee" or "poo poo" on the time will be diaper free...ahh....

Rachel May said...

I admit, I did worry there would be a picture. Laughing out loud at the idea of being diaper free...

~kathy said...

That is awesome! I hope this means quick and easy transition to the potty!!

Anytime I can catch Connor, I hold him over the toilet so he can get used to it, but I know that's a loonng out.