Monday, February 16, 2009

Just Can't Help Myself...

Alright, I'm just going to lay it all on the line...I LOVE my birthday!  It doesn't really matter how old I get, how many candles I have to blow out, or how many black balloons I have to endure, I love February 17th!  Tomorrow I'm going to be 31.  As my dear friend pointed out to me the other day, "you are no longer 30, you are IN your 30's"  Thanks for that... YOU KNOW WHO  YOU ARE!  My big plans include renewing my drivers license (visiting the DMV is NOT my idea of fun, but neither is driving on an expired license), not sure what after that amazing amount of fun, but then Matt and I are going to have a rare, and hopefully romantic, dinner alone.  Either way, I won't have Addie barf or drool on my shoulder, I won't be shoveling baby food into a bottomless pit who screams, and Tucker won't be spilling his milk, I might even have a conversation that doesn't have anything to do with Caillou, Diego or Space Buddies.  I might even have a glass of wine....**ooohhhs and aaahhhs all around**.  So as I celebrate my 31st birthday tomorrow, I will be thinking of all of you who make this life wonderfully full of friendship, love, laughter and excitement.    


Katie said...

Happy Birthday, Tami! I hope you enjoy some time to yourself and some quality time with Matt. Have a happy day!

Karin said...

Happy Birthday Tami!! I hope you enjoy your rare, romantic dinner out and stick to the parent date rules by NOT talking about Addie and Tucker. I really enjoy your blog and seeing your photos!

Angela said...

you crack me up- I totally "ooohed and ahhhed" when you mentioned wine! Have a lovely evening out my friend- you SO deserve it!

christyephillips said...

YAY! Enjoy your time with Matt and try not to even think about the kids. :) What did we do with all our time before kids? What did we think/talk about? Have fun, I'll be thinking of you!

Dottie said...

HAppy Birthday!!! Enjoy your wonderful day!

Rachel May said...

Hey Happy B'day! I hope it was great. You know the secret to staying young is having older friends.... ;)

~kathy said...

Happy belated birthday. After all these years...we still have the same birthday! Hope you had a great day. 31 is a little less exciting than 30, but I think the best years are ahead of us.

I love your blog - your stories crack me up and your family is adorable!