Thursday, January 29, 2009

Rub-A-Dub-Dub...My Kids In A Tub!

The last few nights I have been in charge of bath for both Tucker and Addie. I decided to consolidate bath time, but I'm still concerned that Addie isn't stable enough to sit in a tub unassisted. I would hate for her to lose her balance while I'm washing Tucker and have her hurt herself so I came up with a plan. I put her baby tub in the big bathtub and filled both tubs with water. Waalllahh! Tucker and Addie safely bathing in the same tub. Tucker has been asking for a few months when Sister would be able to take a bath with him, so he was ecstatic about this idea. This is a video I took of them splashing together in the tub.


Dory said...

This is SOOOOOO cute!!!!

christyephillips said...

that's the best! I love belly laughs, they make me smile. I love how Addie keeps turning around to check and see if you're still there!