Sunday, January 18, 2009

Addie's 1st Purse...

Addie's first purse is Tucker's new favorite toy! He has picked up on most of the words that the little purse sings and he sings the song over and over! He is so funny!

One other funny thing that happened tonight was another Tucker going to bed story. I went in to say goodnight and he asked me if I could give Daddy a message. I told him, "Sure. What's the message you want me to give Daddy?" "Tell Daddy happy birthday and give him a balloon. No, Mommy, five balloons (holding five fingers in the air) and a party hat. A birthday party hat. And Mommy, cake. Daddy needs a birthday cake. And candles. Do we have candles?" "Yes, we have candles Tucker." "Ok, well Target has candles and I think Nana has candles too." "Ok, Tucker. I will give Daddy the message and all the party goods" "Thanks Mommy. Goodnight" Matt's birthday is in March.

So just a few minutes later he is crying I go to him...AGAIN. I get to his room and he is standing at the door crying, "Mommy!! Mommy! I want a party! I want to blow out the candles! Can you get me some candles to blow out?" "huh?" "Mommy, I want to blow out candles at my party!" "Ok, I will get you candles Tucker. Now, get in bed and go to sleep so you can wake up to your candles." "Alright, goodnight" I never heard another peep out of him. I guess I have to come up with some candles tomorrow?!? I hope this doesn't turn into a regular thing. more quick story. Tucker was in timeout for not listening when Matt asked him to clean up his toys this evening. So he was sitting in timeout crying and Matt told him to stop crying and Tucker replied, "NO, Daddy!" Matt turned around and said, "What did you say to me?" "I said, I love you Daddy." We are in so far over our heads it's not even funny. We are screwed. He is only 3.


Dottie said...

Hilarious!!! He is a smart boy, is it Matt's birthday?

Rachel May said...

Ha! Did you have candles for breakfast?

christyephillips said...

he is too funny. i love when they come up with random stuff and insist on it happening! too cute!