Tuesday, October 28, 2008

More Fall Fun

The other day Tucker and I baked some sugar cookies together. He was very helpful with making the dough, pushing the dough off the spoon and onto the baking sheet and then of course helped decorate the cookies. We had never done this before so I didn't know how much interest he would have but he really did like it. He wore his apron and just looked adorable. He was so cute, he made me forget how much of a mess it is to cook with kids!! He had a hard time decorating the whole cookie and instead piled up all the toppings right in the middle of the cookie. For those of you who are curious, the sugar cookies were a box mix from Costco. Very easy to make and tasty too...highly recommended. We went to the zoo yesterday with a new friend. She works with my Mom and seems REALLY fun! Her little boy is just a few weeks older than Tucker and we are looking forward to getting to know them better. I think her little boy will be a good influence on Tucker because he is potty trained and today Tucker went potty on the toilet and then told me "I went potty just like ___" (I don't know these people well enough to be posting their names on here without asking). So hopefully some of that potty training pride will rub off on Tucker!!! Wouldn't it be nice to be buying diapers for only one child!?! So anyway, I didn't take very many pictures at the zoo but here is Addie in the stroller smiling away...so cute! Our zoo recently had a baby elephant born and his name is Sam, which is short for something I can't remember. I got a picture of him and the kids were very excited to see him. He was running behind his mommy and it was really adorable!
Oh, and if anyone has any helpful tips on how to make my blog cute like the rest of my friends, please let me know!!! I'm blog SpEd, so please send your tips! Thanks!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have the cutest babies ever! Well, besides mine of course. :-) I miss you honey, let's get together soon!