Monday, November 30, 2009

Let The Christmas Season Begin!

I am starting a new tradition this year that my friends introduced me to last year. The Elf on the Shelf is being delivered tomorrow morning! I've decided that on December 1st Santa will be delivering an elf to look after Tucker and Addie for the month. He will report back to Santa every night and then be located in a different place in the house in the morning. Santa wrote them a letter and gave them Christmas pajamas.

This is a copy/paste of the letter. It's actually really cute with a picture of Santa and all the rest, but I can't figure out how to get it in my blog. If anyone has a tip, let me know.

"Dear Tucker and Adeline Glem,

I am sending you a very special Elf of mine from the North Pole. His name is Alabaster Snowball. Alabaster is my Elf who is in charge of the naughty and nice list.

If you are naughty, you will be getting coal for Christmas instead of presents. However, if you are nice, my Elves and I will make sure to put some toys in my sleigh for you both on Christmas Eve.

When Alabaster arrives at your house, I would like you to find a place in your house where he can watch after you. He will be watching to see if you are naughty or nice, and then he will report back to me every night. When you wake up in the morning Alabaster will be back, but in a different place in your house. When you wake up each morning, see if you can find where he is hiding!

I hope you have fun with Alabaster Snowball. He is a very special Elf! I hope to hear good reports on your behavior, Tucker and Addie.


Santa Claus

I think this will be a fun and memorable tradition to start. I had to take pictures of it, not only to show you what I've done, but also so I remember what Santa did, so Santa can recreate it next year. Santa doesn't remember ANYTHING unless it's well documented. I don't think Santa is ALL that old, but Santa still needs some gentle reminders already. Damn Santa, get it together! The good news is, Santa has already started putting some thought into stocking stuffers instead of freaking out on Christmas Eve, while staring at flat, empty stockings. I don't feel as creative as my Santa used to be, but I guess it will come with time. This Santa is still working out the kinks.

Our tree is up and decorated. Tucker and Addie had a blast decorating it. We have decided to go with ribbon and bows this year because I don't have the time, energy or patients to keep up with Addie tearing the ornaments off and chewing, breaking or losing them. I have just decided to decorate with bows I don't care about so I don't have to guard the tree night and day. This picture is of their decorating job. Notice the bows are laying on the branches of the tree by the handfuls and that there isn't one bow higher than 3 feet off the ground. I "helped" that night after the kids went to bed and it's much more "balanced". Is that PC enough? My kids don't have to feel like tree decorating failures. They didn't even notice that it was different when they woke up in the morning. In fact, Tucker was taking full credit for how great it looks! I have to admit, I actually like my $20 dollars worth of ribbon and bows that are compliments of the east Vancouver Walmart. I'll post an "updated" tree photo soon. I love Christmas. I love the fact that Matt hasn't given me any hassles about putting up a tree when it's still November! I think his lack of sleep and crazy schedule might actually give me some sort of I just need to get my timing right and give him my letter to Santa! Momma wants a new pair of shoes...and maybe some other stuff too!!

Crash and Burn

Tucker took a header the other day on the street. Matt and I think it's hysterical because his hands didn't have one scrape on them which tells us he went straight to the pavement on his nose!! OUCH! What kid doesn't put his hands down? Oh well. When Matt and Tucker got home, Matt cleaned him up and gave him a few band-aids. We joked that he looked like a pirate! Just in time for Christmas pictures!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Wii Driving

Tucker loves to play Wii Mario Kart and he calls it "Wii Driving". Recently, Addie has noticed Tucker playing and kept trying to steal his steering wheel. Instead of having them fight over the wheel, I decided to give Addie her own! It doesn't have a wii-mote in it, but she thinks she is playing! HILARIOUS!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Poo Poo Miracle

You can just thank me now because I did NOT take a picture, but I do have some good news. Last night Addie was sitting in a booster chair and she started to lift herself off the chair and I asked her if she was OK. She replied, "poo poo". So I took her out of the seat and as we were walking to her room to change her, I didn't smell anything. I checked her diaper, nothing. So I decided to do a little experiment. I put her on the toilet, just to see if anything would happen. She went potty right away, which is something that she does every night before bath. Then I read her a few books and before you know it, she is doing poo poo in the toilet! YEAHHOOOOO!! I'm getting way ahead of myself thinking about how nice it will be to be diaper free but it's hard not to be excited after last night. I had always heard that girls were easier to train than boys, but this is crazy. Addie isn't even 17 months yet. Hurray Addie!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Does This Happen To Anyone Else?

This is the inside of my purse. Really? Cheesy bunnies spilled out of their bag, while receipts, pens, three things of chapstick, a few hand sanitizers and hopefully somewhere my keys, take up the rest of the mess. What a disaster.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Preschool Update

Tuesday, of last week, was Tucker's first day of preschool. It was just as traumatic for me and I thought it would be. Tucker, on the other hand, jumped right in and had a blast. My friend Paige commented on the last post that it took her 5 minutes to quit crying in her car...I was right there with you, Friend! I really didn't expect it to be so emotional for me. Tucker is definitely his father's son because he was laughing at my for crying. Maybe I'll have better luck with Addie. I'm at least hoping she doesn't laugh when I cry. I don't necessarily want her to cry, because then I think I'd be a permanent fixture in the class, which defeats the whole purpose. So, the bottom line is this...Tucker is doing a great job in school. The teachers say he fits in wonderfully and that they could never tell that he hadn't attended preschool before. He brought home his first piece of preschool art on Thursday and I think I'm going to have it framed! I have a bad feeling I'm going to say that about EVERYTHING he brings least for the first couple weeks anyway.

Monday, November 9, 2009

The Preschool Gods Have Spoken

I am starting my first day of preschool tomorrow! Wish me luck!!!